Our Staff

Our internal team is made up of a diverse group of professionals with an expansive range of expertise in program development and evaluation, nonprofit management, fund development, technology solutions, financial management, event management, communications strategies, and more. While everyone brings a different set of expertise, they all share one goal: to transform lives.

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Bruce Deel

President & CEO

Bruce Deel founded City of Refuge in 1997 with a desire to bring light, hope, and transformation to one of Atlanta’s most challenging neighborhoods. Bruce has been recognized by the City of Atlanta as a community leader and has received additional honors from the governor of Georgia, People, and Major League Baseball.

He is a sought-after speaker in private and public venues and serves as a consultant to numerous nonprofit organizations. Bruce is the
author of Trust First, where he shares stories about how the power of trust can lead to changed lives.

He is a graduate of Lee University, has been married for 34 years to his wife, Rhonda, and is the proud father of five daughters and grandfather of eight grandchildren.

Executive Team

Bill Moran

Finance & HR


Scott Steiner



Darrell Rice

Community Revitalization


Greg Washington

Family Reunification / Reentry


Donor Relations

Edward Phillips

Vice President of Development



Kelsi Franco

Director of Women’s Housing


Job Training

Jeannie Ross

Director of Job Training and Employment Services


Youth Development

Jonathan Inman

Director of Youth Development (6th-12th)


Kassi McCoy

Director of Elementary Programming


Our Board 

The board members at City of Refuge are the fiduciaries tasked with guiding and steering the organization towards a sustainable future. These dedicated professionals bring a wealth of expertise spanning across many different industries. Regardless of their individual experiences, their goal is to ensure COR adopts ethical, sound, and legal governance as well as financial management policies. Our board members work tirelessly and donate their time to ensure City of Refuge has the adequate resources to continue the mission of social transformation.

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